We Love EO

Myrrh Essential Oil

Part of the plant: Resin
Method of production: Steam Distillation
Description of the smell: hot, smoky, herbaceous, woody, dry

- It calms down the skin 
- it maintains a young and shiny complexion,
- when used in a diffuser, it calms and regulates our emotions,
- Has an antiseptic effect on our mouth and throat.

Ancient records show that Myrrh's essential oil was so valuable that the price of essential oil was equal to the price of gold. Essential oil is derived from resin and has been used for centuries to support the physical and physical body. Already in history, it was used as a perfume, for incense, for religious rituals and for mummification. Mira has excellent cleansing properties, especially our throat and mouth, and it also acts beneficially on our skin, helping to maintain the young and radiant complexion. When used in a diffuser, we relax, since our emotions are soothing.


Aromatic: Add 3-4 drops to your chosen diffuser.
Oral: Add 1 drop in a glass of water.
Apply to the skin: dilute 1-2 drops with fractionated coconut oil dōTERRA and apply to the desired area.


Aromatic: Add 3-4 drops of lemon essential oil in your chosen diffuser
Internally: Put 1 drop of essential oil in the capsule and pour with water
Apply to the skin: Apply 1-2 drops to the desired location and dilute with DoTERRE fractional coconut oil to reduce the sensitivity of the skin.

Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of the reach of children. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or if you are under the care of a doctor, contact your doctor. Avoid contact with the eyes, inside the ear and sensitive areas.

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) 15 ml

Regular price: 89,46 €
Member's price: 67,10 €

Essential oils are not medicines, and as a user, I can only advise on the basis of my experience and the experience of others who got help with any problems with essential oils. I do not make any diagnosis or prescribe any medication.
I am not responsible for the possible consequences of improper use.

The rule is: Less is more!